Piping Plover
Every April, endangered piping plovers flock to the beaches of southern Maine to raise their young. They dig small scrapes and lay their eggs directly on the sand before incubating them for four weeks. Chicks are able to forage for themselves within hours of hatching, but it can take another four weeks before they are able to fly. They often look like little fluff-balls on stilts. Their only defenses are their sandy-colored camouflage and the “wounded wing” ploy to draw away predators such as crows, gulls, foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and skunks. Dogs are also a threat to piping plovers; even leashed dogs are perceived as predators, and frequently disrupt the birds’ nesting attempts.
Since Ram Island Farm beaches provide decent piping plover habitats, The Sprague Corporation works closely with Maine Audubon in support of its Coastal Birds Project. In 1981, Maine had only 10 nesting pairs producing only 9 fledglings. Thanks to statewide efforts, 143 nesting pairs produced 237 fledglings in 2024.
In 2024, 2 nesting pairs produced 1 fledgling on Ram Island Farm beaches. 4 nesting pairs produced 10 fledglings on Scarborough Beach.
Warning signs are posted on Ram Island Farm beaches near plover habitats, and nests are fenced where possible.