Crescent Beach


Added to the Maine State Park system in 1962, Crescent Beach State Park was opened to the public in 1966. With 4,000 feet of sandy shore, it is a favorite of Mainers and out-of-staters alike.

The Crescent Beach area was first identified as a desirable park location in 1939, and became a very important part of the State Park Commission’s 10-Year Plan developed in concert with the National Park Service and U.S. Department of the Interior. Outdoor recreational activities were increasingly popular in the post-war economy; Maine state officials hoped not only to satisfy the demand for additional beach facilities, but also to capitalize on a potential increase in tourism dollars.

The 1959 Maine legislature approved preliminary funding for the new park system expansion including preliminary funds to begin the land purchase for Crescent Beach. Acquiring the lands desired for the park was no small undertaking. Over the next three years, through a combination of purchase and gifting, the State was able to acquire most of the land for Crescent Beach State Park.

The Sprague Corporation and Black Point Corporation have worked with the State since the 1950s to make this state park a reality. Between 1961 and 1966, P. Shaw Sprague gifted land covering 690 feet of beach frontage. Black Point Corporation (and subsequently The Sprague Corporation) have leased the 100-acre parcel that makes up the southern portion of the Park to the State for the enjoyment of the public.