Richmond Island



We are using a mail-in lottery system for Summer 2025 reservations.
Please read the guidelines here and submit your request before April 1st to ensure your request is submitted properly.

About the Island

Richmond Island boasts four beaches: Clam Cove, Broad Cove, John’s Cove, and Breakwater. As you explore the two-mile perimeter path, you will notice a variety of ecosystems including sand dunes, lake, pine forest, and abundant grassland. You may also spy wild Island denizens such as Scottish Blackface sheep, deer, bald eagles, horned owls, brown hawks, and even the occasional piping plover. A visit on a warm July evening will delight with thousands of fireflies.

The Sprague Corporation welcomes the public to Richmond Island. The Island is also considered a wildlife refuge; visitors are expected to join us in our good stewardship of this beautiful place by being respectful of the Island’s ecology and observing the Island guidelines.

Visitors are restricted to the beaches and perimeter trail. For your safety and the conservation of these delicate habitats, please refrain from climbing the sand dunes.

Thank you for continuing to respect Richmond Island and the Sprague family.

Questions? Please contact the Richmond Island Caretakers at