Rules & Regulations
The Sprague Corporation employs a team of caretakers whose main duty is to protect, preserve and maintain Richmond Island. Caretakers are present on the Island most days during high season.
Day Use and Island Closures
No permit is required to spend the day on Richmond Island. The Island’s perimeter trail and beaches are open to the public for day use. If you are looking to camp overnight, please see our Camping guidelines.
The Island is closed to all visitors for the month of May and August 1st-14th for care of the Scottish Blackface sheep and routine maintenance. Please do not to visit the Island during this time.
Accessing the Island
Access to Richmond Island is by watercraft only. Crossing overland via the breakwater is strictly prohibited.
The dock is private property and not intended for public use.
Dogs are not allowed on Richmond Island.
Trespassing in, on, or around Island structures is strictly prohibited.
We have a strict carry-in/carry-out policy. This means all trash and waste (including human waste) must be taken with you when you leave the Island.
No metal detectors of any kind are permitted.
Visitors are limited to the perimeter trail and beaches. Please do not climb the sand dunes.
Day-use fires must be kept below the high water mark.
Take appropriate preventative measures to protect from dog ticks and deer ticks; both are present on the Island.